Oct 7, 2020Fall Newsletter 2020Year 2 of our Work has Begun! Dear Mariam Society Members, We open this Newsletter hoping our Society Members and their families are safe...
Jul 17, 2020Thank you to our Members for Year 1!Dear family and friends, a heartfelt THANK YOU for the renewal of your Mariam Society Bursary sponsorships! Your generosity was...
May 31, 2020URGENT APPEAL TO RENEW SPONSORSHIPSDear Mariam Society Members, As we head into Year 2 of our 3 year project to help educate girls living in poverty, your help is most...
Mar 27, 2020Spring Newsletter 2020Dear Friends, We begin this newsletter with the hope that you and your family are safe and healthy. The last few weeks has seen the world...
Mar 13, 2020Year 2 Launch - SAVE THE DATE! Date: June 7, 2020 Time: 2 - 4pm Location: 4245 Ennisclare Drive, Milton Celebrate our Society's success in Year 1! Through your amazing...